I'm liking the way that the Red Gold Cowl is working up, although I do wish I'd have started the mistake rib sooner but I'm guessing it'll all work out in the end. Plus I can go back to standard rib when I get toward the end to balance it out.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Back To Sock-ing
I'm liking the way that the Red Gold Cowl is working up, although I do wish I'd have started the mistake rib sooner but I'm guessing it'll all work out in the end. Plus I can go back to standard rib when I get toward the end to balance it out.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
I like making dish/washcloths. I get to use colorful yarn and I can mix it up any way I want and no one will say that they won't wear it. (not that anyone ever says that to me since I'm a mostly selfish knitter but you never know) Last Friday night at knitting HH was working on a Double Thick Cloth and commented that she'd goofed up a row but was leaving it as a design element. KW was knitting one with the same pattern and some cotton yarn she'd reclaimed from a failed shawl, and she spent most of her time trying to recover from a mis-knit row. I said that I wasn't going to pull out my version of that project since the two of them had obviously filled the room with bad dishcloth juju, but then I couldn't resist pulling mine out and proving that the juju was just fine. It wasn't. I knit a row and tinked (k-n-i-t backwards) it. Knit a row and tinked it. Counted stitches (knit, purl, knit, purl...) and tried again. I finally succumbed to the bad dishcloth juju and put it away. When I got home, in better light and not laughing quite so hard, I discovered that I'd screwed up the row that I'd ended up on at home (what is so hard about "knit 1, slip 1"? evidently something but I don't know what it might be); that was what had set me on the road to failure. It's all fixed now. This pattern makes a lovely dish or wash cloth. It's extra thick and squooshy and it doesn't get holey when it stretches out when it gets wet.

It was so un-busy at work on Thursday that Leftover Starfish Dishcloth #2 got finished and I didn't even have to tack on another color of yarn. I wanted to. I would have done it in a heartbeat, but the end of the starfish came before the end of the yarn. There's very little of this color left so it'll make it into random colored dishcloth-land one of these days. It's all a part of my "use up what you've got" plan this year.
Since I finished the Bandwagon Afghan on Wednesday (yay! it only took 1 year and 10 months of non-continuous work) I got out the next project in my Onesie queue--the Red Gold Cowl. Once again the yarn's doing the work. The pattern's a simple "here's how many stitches I cast on and what yarn and size needles I used and what ribbing pattern" type of pattern. So I read her list of 8 or 10 cowls she'd made with this method, picked one and plunged in. The yarn doesn't have any give but I think I like the way it's looking. I might try doing mistake rib (rnd 1 [k2, p2]... rnd. 2 [k1,p2, k1]* repeat) now that I have a bit of k2,p2 ribbing done. One thing I do like is she says, "I'm not too worried if the round is complete when I bind off. I'd rather have used up all the yarn." Now I just have to figure out when to stop knitting and start binding off. I'll get there.
It was so un-busy at work on Thursday that Leftover Starfish Dishcloth #2 got finished and I didn't even have to tack on another color of yarn. I wanted to. I would have done it in a heartbeat, but the end of the starfish came before the end of the yarn. There's very little of this color left so it'll make it into random colored dishcloth-land one of these days. It's all a part of my "use up what you've got" plan this year.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Climbing Off The Bandwagon
This afternoon here at the dive shop I finished knitting the I-cord edging of the Bandwagon Afghan. My join is not tidy. I should have done a provisional cast-on so that I could Kitchener the ends together but I didn't and I am not going back to the beginning. It'll have to do.
I love the way the afghan looks. I love the colors I chose. I love that I used two natural colors of Lion Brand Fisherman Wool for for the log cabin parts of each square. I may not ever make an entire afghan of it again but I'm sure I'll make more mitered squares. This is a good pattern.
I love the way the afghan looks. I love the colors I chose. I love that I used two natural colors of Lion Brand Fisherman Wool for for the log cabin parts of each square. I may not ever make an entire afghan of it again but I'm sure I'll make more mitered squares. This is a good pattern.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Oh, I LIke These
sorry for the bad lighting |
Friday, February 15, 2013
At the knitting guild meeting last night PH taught us how to put crocheted edgings on our knitting. She taught us how to do the Crab Stitch or reverse single crochet. It's awkward at first but it makes a nice edge. Thanks, PH.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Optimism Misplaced
At the Family Supper last Saturday I cast on another starfish dish/washcloth out of leftover cotton to keep my fingers busy so I only ate my share of the "horsey vorzees" (most of the time I could skip the meal and just eat appetizers, I love them)
Last Friday at knitting I worked exclusively on the i-cord edging of the Bandwagon Afghan, backing up a bit and taking another run at making the corner. Two rows of detatched i-cord made the corner lay much flatter than the one row recommended on the video I watched. It actually is going faster than I thought it would.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Cautiously Optomistic
I kept knitting on the Psychedelic Shawlette yesterday afternoon and got pretty far, almost to where the decreases start piling up faster, and I think I might be okay with matching up the remaining stitches and remaining yarn. As long as I don't run into any more %#$^& knots.
After supper I picked up the Starfish Dishcloth and got into the last wedge before I pooped out and had to go to bed.
The other night I got to turn the first corner of I-cord edging on my Bandwagon Afghan. I only knit a few stitches past the corner because I need to pick up more edge stitches but I think I might just go back and add another detached row of I-cord so that the corner turns a bit more tidily. I'm all about the tidy. Most of the time. Except when I'm not.
Look at the trees! I just noticed that they're sparkling with ice. Pretty.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
A Knot, Dammit
Yesterday afternoon I got to the halfway point of the little scarf/shawlette I'm knitting. Last night after our steak dinner out with friends I picked it up to add a few rows, only to discover one of those "extra yarnover" holes in it about 8 rows back. Gah! So I frogged back to the boo-boo because it was in with the ssk (slip-slip-knits) and the yo (yarn-over) so I couldn't just drop down a couple stitches and crochet hook the column back up. Dammit.

It's been pretty quiet here at the dive shop today so I got back to the halfway point today and started working my way back down to a single stitch. I'm concerned that I'll run short of yarn so I was less than thrilled to find a tiny little knot in the yarn which meant that I had to untie it and waste a few inches of yarn. Now I find myself knitting faster so that I finish the pattern before I run out of yarn. That never works, it doesn't even make logical sense, but that doesn't stop my subconscious into goading my fingers to KNIT FASTER, HURRY, HURRY.
I'm liking how this is looking and I'm eager to finish the scarf so I can put on the black ruffle on the slanted edges, another reason to knit, KNIT LIKE THE WIND. (ooh, that subconscious voice can get so annoying)
I'm liking how this is looking and I'm eager to finish the scarf so I can put on the black ruffle on the slanted edges, another reason to knit, KNIT LIKE THE WIND. (ooh, that subconscious voice can get so annoying)
Monday, February 4, 2013
I'll Be Edging Forever **
But first I want to finish off this Dotty Dishcloth today.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
I Got To Cast On!
Evidently I'm evolving as a knitter because I backed up and made some decisions about how I want to make this pattern MY WAY. This is going to look awesome with a black ruffle knitted on the edges, I can't wait to see it.
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