Here's the Quickie Knit project I talked about a couple weeks ago. It was some slippers for my DS's birthday. I debated about putting the pompons on for a 31 yr. old man, but I did and he likes them. That's my boy! I used three strands of Lion Brand Wool-Ease in black, cranberry, and natural heather, and a free pattern I found on the web. They're crazy looking but warm.

Most of my time has been spent writing on my NaNoWriMo manuscript. I hit 25,000 words last night so I'm halfway home. I think I have been having so much luck silencing my innerHitler (I call her Aunt Mame, which is a story for another time) because I stuffed her in a canning jar and tightened the lid. Now I can't hear her squawking quite as well.

When I'm not writing or working on Stealth Knitting (shhh), I've been working on a Thorpe hat for my little brother. I made two similar hats for his teenaged son and now Brother Dear wants one for himself. What big sister could refuse? I know it looks small, but it isn't, it fits my dome.
Yesterday I fired up the Weber in the afternoon and grilled some sliced eggplant, green and yellow zucchini, and portobello mushrooms. We had some with our lovely grilled chicken last night but the real reason I want

OK, I want one of those sandwiches with a side of applesauce. Both pictures made my mouth water. I love your on-going novel. And thank goodness I figured out you don't have to write 50K words each day! That was my original thought. Would have certainly been daunting. But keep those words coming. I love them all.
Yes, everything looks delicious! The slippers are so cute. I'm off to read the novel. Talk to you later!
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