Two weeks ago I drove up to The Clearing at the tip of Door Co. to have a meeting about helping to resurrect their newsletter, Siftings. I got to stay upstairs in the Jensen Center and walk around campus a bit. I interviewed their Landscape Architecture intern who is laying the groundwork for next year's projects and the weaver who used historic weavings to create an art piece to hang in the Weaving Room of the Schoolhouse so that I can write press releases to go out immediately and longer arti
cles for Siftings in the fall. 

That Sunday was the dive shop corn roast so we went back up to Garrett Bay just down the road from the Clearing to dive and eat grill roasted corn. Here's DS and I going diving (we're the two in the center back facing the camera) and coming out. Sorry there aren't any corn pictures, our fingers were too buttery and we were too busy eating.

Last Friday I went to Sturgeon Bay to interview an artist who is repainting a mural that was painted over in the Clearing's Schoolhouse years ago. I took pictures of him but my camera ate them. I'm going to link to TC's website, that has a picture. One of the women at the corn roast is a champion sporting clays shooter and she organized a day when we could go to a game farm and try our hand at it. Durwood and I decided to go; he's hunted all his life but I'd never shot a gun once. It was a blazing hot day but we had a blast. The more experienced went off to more challenging "games" and us rookies and Durwood stayed with an instructor at the easiest game. I hit a few (more than Durwood, teehee) and I have a lovely bruise on my upper arm from the recoil. There was a lunch afterwards and we all had a great time. It's not too expensive and we'll go back. Soon.

So, you see I haven't been idle, just not knitting as much.