I've Had The Blahs
The never-ending cold and drear has infiltrated the very core of my being so my crafting output has been spotty. I spent all last weekend, well most of it anyway except for Sunday, in Sheboygan with my pal. We went to the Kohler Design Center (fancy sinks and toidies) and the John Michael Kohler Art Center (which I highly recommend) and took a few walks but I only knitted one evening. Didn't write. Didn't read. I was at a low ebb.
BUT the sun is out today and the temp is in the 40s (or nearly so) and I feel much better. The sunshine's like a battery charge that I can't go too long without. Ahh, better.
My favorite exhibit at the Art Center was a "Healing Machine" made by a bachelor Nebraska farmer to attract and concentrate the healing electricity in the Earth. His media
encompassed wire (baling and reclaimed), masking tape, cardboard, tin cans and lids, wood, beads, and minerals he obtained from a pharmacist friend. Very eccentric and fascinating. Some looked like God's Eyes, one like a tornado, some were like Tiffany lamps, and my favorite piece looked like a Pharonic barge to the underworld. Or maybe one that looked like a cross between a wind spinner and a spider web was my favorite. Or... oh, I liked it all.
I did finish that starfish washcloth last week
and made another baby hat, a goldfish colored one, for that rapidly approaching baby,
and Z-Dawg and I made what are supposed to be egg-shaped yarn cages with chocolate eggs inside. Few are egg-shaped and it was a tedious and messy craft. I'm not a fan.
That's it in the FO department. I think I left decreasing too late on the Fino Bias Scarf so I might run out before the end... and I'm really thinking I made it too wide and should probably frog it and start over. Gah! I might.
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