...with a shot of Crochet on the side. And some Sewing too.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
I can't stop sewing. Once I finished the March BOM quilt blocks, I tackled the April ones. I didn't like the "official" blocks much so I cruised the projects in the Craftsy course gallery to see how others had dealt with the dreaded hexagons. I had already decided to make the striped one using only the big hexagons to make a bigger statement and have less of the background showing, but I did not want to make the other one at all. Just too cutesy for me. I was surfing the gallery the other day and saw one that just had random hexagons on the block and another one with the hexagons arranged in a ring, and that gave me an idea. I made 5 of the biggest hexagons and one of the medium size, then I arranged the five in a C shape and nestled the smaller one in the gap. I like it. I confess I didn't hand sew them onto the blocks either; I used the same off-white I've used all along to just zigzag them on. What do you think?
First thing today I attached the sleeves, hemmed, made buttonholes, and attached the buttons onto Durwood's requested Father's Day aloha shirt. He won't remember but he picked out this fabric in the Houghton Walmart when we were there in October. I think he'll love it and I can't wait to give it to him. I did make a tactical error waiting to go to the card store until this afternoon. I got one of the last cards in the place and even then I had to troll through the birthday cards to find an envelope. Way to procrastinate, Babbums.
Once the April blocks were done I seemed to be on a roll and segued right into making the first of the May blocks. I may remake it, since it has way too much of the background, or I might lop off some of the offending wide strip and put a wider print on.
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