I realized the other day that I hadn't revealed most of my stealth knitting. Then I realized that it was so stealthy that I neglected to take pictures of some of it. Grr. I have a plea out for pictures from the recipients, but they're off skiing at Whistler, British Columbia this week so it'll be a while.

I had a brainstorm to knit everyone in my immediate family a Meathead Hat with decorations to fit their interests. Therefore, Durwood and Ann got bat hats, Ann's friend Anne, who works with a children's theater, got one with comedy and tragedy masks (mostly because I was excited about figuring out how to make the masks), I made a coral reef one for David and a ski

Many got matching gloves or convertible mitts too.

I think my favorite of all are the gloves I knit for my mom out of Cascade Pastazza in a peacock blue. They turned out gorgeous. See? Here's Mom modeling them.
1 comment:
Hi, Barbara! You certainly have been busy. All your projects are super. (I stole your idea of putting pins on hats, and just made a black hat with a thrift shop pin for myself.) I love those blue gloves
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