Friday, September 27, 2013
'Nudder Widdle Sockie Done

Thursday, September 26, 2013
One Widdle Sockie Done...
And another one OTN. Oh my god, I keep having to take the widdle sockie out of my bag to croon over it. I can't wait to kiss little toes while trying to cram a squirmy foot into one of these tiny socks.
You want to see how tiny? Here it is lying on top of the last ankle sock I made for myself. Now, granted I wear a ladies' size 10 but wook how widdle.
Oh, I'm dying from the cute.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Sock Days
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Baby Steps
Sunday, September 15, 2013
A Nudder Sleeb!
At the Bay Lakes Knitting Guild meeting on Thursday evening a design contest was launched. Happily there will be a category for those who design and sell patterns and sell their knitting, and then another for the rest of us beginners. I've never considered designing a pattern but I did buy those Harmony Guides this summer and practicing cables is on my "to do" list for 2013, so I'm thinking I'll be picking out a cable or two and making up a pattern for fingerless mitts. I love fingerless mitts. Once I got to work on Friday I did a little Ravelry pattern searching for a cabled one that I can use to figure out how many stitches to cast on since cables suck in stitches. This might be fun. Did you ever design anything?
Thursday, September 12, 2013
A Sleeb!
Searching on Ravelry makes all permutations possible. I can narrow my search so that it shows me only projects that use the ingredients I like and have on hand. That Ravelry, it's an enabler and a time suck. I can surf patterns and time just passes... it's lovely. Someone should make a site like it for fabric crafts too. Not me, of course, because I know less than nothing about programing but someone should look into it. (Get on that, will ya?)
Monday, September 9, 2013
Three More Preemie Hats
cotton candy,
mint chocolate chip,
I love these colorways. Love 'em.
Small = Fast
Friday, September 6, 2013
Project Monogamy Pays
Once I had that last baby hat finished I focused on knitting the Little Zander Cardi for W&AZ's impending baby. I knit on it all day at work on Wednesday and Thursday, well, in between customers anyway, and by quitting time last night I was at the "put sleeve stitches on waste yarn" point to get on with knitting the body. I'm liking this so much I may have to troll the stash to see what other superwash or acrylic DK yarns I have. Babies are imminent but not too imminent that I can't crank out a sweater or two. Although I do want to beg a Fair Isle lesson from KW at Friday Night Knitting tonight. I'd better call her to make sure she'll be there and warn her that I'll be picking her brain. But here's a picture of the Little Zander Cardi. It's the Puerperium Cardigan. I'm smitten.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Sorry, I've Been Crazy
In knitting news I cast on a Small & Clever baby hat in some of the Cloud 9 yarn left over from the blankie and finished it last night. I'll be casting on booties later today and there are some darling thumb-less mittens (they kinda look like little Wii Mii hands) coming up too. (I love that yarn. Why'd they discontinue it? Did the bunnies go on strike?)
I also fell under the spell of the Puerperium Cardigan and pulled out needles and some acrylic DK weight sock yarn in navy and burgundy to see about making one of those for any random baby that might happen by.
I should crank out a hat and booties for W&AZ's impending bambino too. Three of the four adult cousins in that family are expecting. Did they plan it this way? I can't imagine that they did but there are lots of blossoming mamas and supportive daddys around these days. Any projects OTN with my name on them have fallen way down the queue, burrowing deep into the bottom of project bags and sulking. I'll eventually get back to them since I volunteered to babysit a couple days a week. When babies are new they sleep a lot, I hear, which will mean plenty of knitting time. (hahahahahahaha, yeah, like that really happens. I've had babies, I know the truth.) I'll get to them, never fear.
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