I'm making progress on my WIPs. Really I am, despite the almost unbearable urge to cast on a blanket and 2 sweaters. I am determined to finish a couple of them before embarking on any more projects. Really. Cross my heart (and not my fingers, crossed fingers make typos), hope to die, stick a (knitting) needle in my eye. (wow, that is one dire promise, isn't it? good thing I wear glasses) Anyway,

I'm almost to the end of the gusset on the POrange (pink & orange) Ankle Sock. Soon I can remove those little markers and zoom down the foot, knitting every stitch and not thinking for 7 1/2 in. until I get to the toe where thinking will recommence.

The Jane's Locks shawl grew a bit this week. I tried to work on it at Knitting Guild but the locks tried to escape on the evening breeze, so it got put away.

At work on Thursday I knitted the first First Grandbaby Booties and sewed it right up before taking any photos so I made sure not to sew up the mate when I made it at Friday Night Knitting so you could see the oddball way it starts life. Lyn and I looked at how wonky it is and agreed that it'll look okay when it's sewn together. I mean, the first one doesn't look off unless you really examine it (see? the short row gaps are closer to the cuff on the left side of the photo) but I'm absolutely certain I'll be making more of these so I can experiment. It's a no-brainer.

The Southwestern Cowl got well started and, after the purchase of all that yarn last Tuesday, got redeposited in the Onesies basket under the coffee table. Don't worry, it won't languish too long because it's excellent mindless knitting. Besides I'm enamored of the colors and the way they're stacking up so I won't leave it alone too long. Promise.
I washed and blocked the Bean's Kimono last week and on Friday I sewed on snaps and a cute, hand-print button (lower right edge). Now it's well and truly finished, ready for it's owner's appearance in the fall.