I'm always on the lookout for interesting linen. I want to find printed linens like she uses in the book Zakka Style but evidently they don't sell them in the States, or this state anyway. There are wild, Impressionistic florals that I usually love, not what I'm looking for in this case, but I did find this lovely dark brown with embroidered dots on it. I bought a yard.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Gimme a G! Gimme an R! Gimme an E, E, N!
I'm always on the lookout for interesting linen. I want to find printed linens like she uses in the book Zakka Style but evidently they don't sell them in the States, or this state anyway. There are wild, Impressionistic florals that I usually love, not what I'm looking for in this case, but I did find this lovely dark brown with embroidered dots on it. I bought a yard.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Over-Feathering My Wingspan

In Maple Tree scarf news, I've decided to gather up all my green yarns and then switch them in and out randomly through the summer. It's going to be a long green summer of green leaves (I'm not complaining) and I'll need some variety. It's going to be awesome. Right? Right.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
You've Just Gotta Have the Right Brown...
I'm on triangle #6 of 8 or 9 or even 10 of the Wingspan shawlette. I'm liking it. A lot. What say you?
Sunday, May 13, 2012
See What I Got?
The Maple Tree scarf is growing by its requisite 2 rows per day. I like the way it looks.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
All Greens Are Not Created Equal
Yesterday at work I realized that my Wingspan shawlette was headed toward bandana-hood since I was into the third of eight triangles and was still on the first 50 g. (137 yd) skein. So I turned it back into a ball of yarn and started over casting on 60 stitches. It's much better. I just finished the first triangle and have used up nearly all the yarn I had balled back up. Much better.
Here's a gratuitous cute baby bunny photo. It's name is Flash because it's exceedingly speedy when it dashes across the patio.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
I Made a Haul
Really, a haul. Wait 'til you see what came home from Friday Night Knitters with me. Donna, who moved to Minneapolis a couple years ago and is moving back, was/is in town and had bins (bins, people) of yarn and books that a knitting friend was getting rid of. Donna drove it to Green Bay and brought it to Knit Night for us to paw through. I pawed well and deep.
From the book boxes I glommed onto a copy of "It itches.", a book of knitting cartoons (knitting cartoons??? yeah, knitters need a sense of humor) by Franklin Habit, and Scarves, a compilation that has several interesting patterns in it.
The least of the skeins is one black Knit Picks EssentialSolid. It's sock-weight superwash wool & nylon. A person can never have too much black yarn.

In the "looks like bark to me" department, we have one skein of Galway Highland Heather and one of Brown (brown! are you seeing the trend here?) Sheep Country Classic Thick & Thin.
There was this one lonely ball of Cascade 220 Superwash in a gorgeous dark red. Anyone who knows me just steps out of the way when I see a ball of red wool.
I kept coming back to this skein of Mooncake Yarn (isn't that a great name?) in the delightfully named Swimming Pool. I'm not much of a blue girl but since my felted bowl jag I'm thinking of having various colors of wool on hand just in case I have to make something to be felted again.
Without a label but irresistible nevertheless was this skein of what I'm guessing might be Araucania Multy Chunky. It's dark brown, black, chestnut, even a bit of dark teal and dark rose and will make a gorgeous scarf or hat.
I dug waaaaay down to the bottom of one of the bins and unearthed this unlabeled trio of skeins of worsted wool in greens and lilac. It's freaking gorgeous. I don't care that I don't know what yarn it is exactly. It's in a bag that says it has 100 yds. per skein. I'm picturing a pair of Fetching mitts.
But the piece de resistance (IMHO) was a bag with 8 little skeins of Ice yarn from Turkey. It's bright yellow blending into deep indigo, and it pleases me no end. It's 50/50 wool and nylon, really soft, a little splitty, and it has sunk its claws deep into my soul.
I immediately (IMMEDIATELY) cast on a Wingspan shawlette. Just as a practice project, you understand, so that I don't ruin my special, expensive Lana Gatto that's wool, silk & mohair, not because I couldn't not knit something with it immediately, no. I stayed up until after 11 PM so that I knitted to the yellow. I'm about halfway through the second of eight triangles. See?
I have to confess that I didn't intend to take home even one skein. That I stood looking at the bins and boxes and said right out loud, "I'm not taking any. I don't need any more yarn." Z-Dawg just laughed at me, and razzed me the rest of the evening as I tried to shove 10 lbs. of yarn into a 5 lb. knitting bag. Oh well, I made a haul. And it was free so it didn't go against the letter of my self-imposed yarn diet. Way to rationalize!
I felted my 8 bowls and they turned out great. I took them along last night and everyone liked them. It was a fun night even though there was no yoga (only me and the teacher showed. next week she's teaching me anyway if it happens again. I whined.)
From the book boxes I glommed onto a copy of "It itches.", a book of knitting cartoons (knitting cartoons??? yeah, knitters need a sense of humor) by Franklin Habit, and Scarves, a compilation that has several interesting patterns in it.
In the "looks like bark to me" department, we have one skein of Galway Highland Heather and one of Brown (brown! are you seeing the trend here?) Sheep Country Classic Thick & Thin.
There was this one lonely ball of Cascade 220 Superwash in a gorgeous dark red. Anyone who knows me just steps out of the way when I see a ball of red wool.
I kept coming back to this skein of Mooncake Yarn (isn't that a great name?) in the delightfully named Swimming Pool. I'm not much of a blue girl but since my felted bowl jag I'm thinking of having various colors of wool on hand just in case I have to make something to be felted again.
Without a label but irresistible nevertheless was this skein of what I'm guessing might be Araucania Multy Chunky. It's dark brown, black, chestnut, even a bit of dark teal and dark rose and will make a gorgeous scarf or hat.
I dug waaaaay down to the bottom of one of the bins and unearthed this unlabeled trio of skeins of worsted wool in greens and lilac. It's freaking gorgeous. I don't care that I don't know what yarn it is exactly. It's in a bag that says it has 100 yds. per skein. I'm picturing a pair of Fetching mitts.
But the piece de resistance (IMHO) was a bag with 8 little skeins of Ice yarn from Turkey. It's bright yellow blending into deep indigo, and it pleases me no end. It's 50/50 wool and nylon, really soft, a little splitty, and it has sunk its claws deep into my soul.
I immediately (IMMEDIATELY) cast on a Wingspan shawlette. Just as a practice project, you understand, so that I don't ruin my special, expensive Lana Gatto that's wool, silk & mohair, not because I couldn't not knit something with it immediately, no. I stayed up until after 11 PM so that I knitted to the yellow. I'm about halfway through the second of eight triangles. See?
I have to confess that I didn't intend to take home even one skein. That I stood looking at the bins and boxes and said right out loud, "I'm not taking any. I don't need any more yarn." Z-Dawg just laughed at me, and razzed me the rest of the evening as I tried to shove 10 lbs. of yarn into a 5 lb. knitting bag. Oh well, I made a haul. And it was free so it didn't go against the letter of my self-imposed yarn diet. Way to rationalize!
I felted my 8 bowls and they turned out great. I took them along last night and everyone liked them. It was a fun night even though there was no yoga (only me and the teacher showed. next week she's teaching me anyway if it happens again. I whined.)
Thursday, May 3, 2012
No, I Did Not Fall Off The Planet
I just haven't been knitting or sewing or anything creative much lately so I haven't blogged. If you get really lonely for me I blog every day over at http://crazynovelpeople1.blogspot.com/. There're always pretty pictures. Not of knitting, no, but of birds and dogs and garden things, ya know, stuff like that. Today I have some knitting for you! Real, honest to goodness knitting. Really!
Here's the week #18 shot of the Maple Tree scarf.
I think I might scale back to a sock-weight brown once the leaves are leafed out since the bark kinda takes a backseat to the leaves come Summer. Then I'll ramp the brown back up in late Autumn once the leaves start to fall and the trunk and branches are more visible. Plus I'll be able to blend together all of the various shades of green I have assembled. I am determined to maintain interest through the long, green time by using a lot of different shades. We'll see how successful I am.
I'm still knitting Color Stripe Vessels. I think #8, the orange one in the lower right, will be the last, partly because the bowl jag is lessening and partly because I am finally running out of the gray heather Cascade 220 that I'm using for the bowl bodies. I will finish it today (yes, I will) so that I can felt tonight, let them dry, and take them to Harmony Knitting tomorrow. At least that's what I hope. No, that's what will happen.
Did I show you the yarn I bought at ReBelle when we were in Lexington? It's Lana Gatto (wool cat? please tell me it's not cat hair), according to the label it's merino and silk with a little mohair thrown in for good measure. Oooh. She had 4 skeins on the "reduced for quick sale" table (I head right there in any shop) and I scarfed up all of them. I'm hoping to make a Wingspan shawlette with it--hoping I have enough yarn.
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