...with a shot of Crochet on the side. And some Sewing too.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Yesterday was the baby shower so I got rid of all that baby stuff I've been knitting over the last few months. The tiny sweaters, the Widdle Sockies, the cloud soft blankie, hat, booties, and mitts, even a bath fishie I knitted up Friday night, finishing it after Friday Knitting once I got a 6-pack of ping pong balls at CVS on my way home. I stopped at Toys R Us on my way and they don't carry them. Aren't they toys? I'm confused.
I'm sorely tempted to go down into the stash and carry up every skein of Cascade Fixation I have and make a pair of those sockies out of each and every one, well, except for the pink ones because, while we know that W&AZ are having a boy, we don't know what flavor of baby DS & DIL1 are having. I don't mind, that knowledge will come soon enough and Widdle Sockies are fast.
This weekend I also wanted to finish the first sleeve of that Khaki Cardi I dragged along on our vacation last month and have had OTN since June of 2009. (Yikes!) I got down to within 3 inches of the end of the sleeve last night and tried it on. Holy acres of knitting, Batman! I didn't hesitate; after I took its picture I frogged that enormous, thigh-sized sleeve and turned it back into yarn balls. (the body of the sweater's pretty huge too but I can't face turning it all back into yarn balls.) This time, now that I'm a much more experienced knitter, I'll be not only keeping track of rows and stitches, I'll follow the directions. (radical, eh?) What do you want to bet I won't be in any danger of running out of the khaki yarn so I won't be having to make the white and black stripes an inch wider to compensate. (That's how enormous the sleeve was.) I did some counting and calculating before I began again. I have 110 stitches after picking up the underarm ones. According to the pattern I'm supposed to knit two rounds even, then do paired decreases on the underside, every other round, until I reach 66 stitches. I didn't do that before; I don't really know what I did but it wasn't that, I had WAY more than 66 stitches OTN when I frogged it. I really hated to destroy all that work but it looked like arse, it deserved it. I'm going to focus on finishing this sweater before I plunge into any more baby knitting.
Well, maybe I'll have to knit a Widdle Sockie or two just to take the edge off, but mostly I'll be knitting sleeves and COUNTING.
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