...with a shot of Crochet on the side. And some Sewing too.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Evidently Project Monogamy's Not My Style
A couple weeks ago I resolved to knit no other project until I'd finished the Khaki Cardi and I managed for nearly 2 weeks, but I fell off the project monogamy wagon last night. The first chink in my armor came last weekend when I decided that I needed to sew another linen and flannel lap blanket--with fabric I've had for a couple years so I wasn't running out to buy more. Since it's raining today I plan to go back down into the sewing studio to finish it later. But then I've been reading Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's Knitting Rules and I came to the chapter about knitting socks, but I didn't have a sock OTN. I spent a few minutes surfing the patterns on Ravelry and my sock yarn stash last week at work (on one of those long days with no cusotmers) and came up with Campfire Socks and a skein of Knit Picks Felici Sport sock yarn in the Chimney colorway. Last night I dug out the pattern, copied it so I can scribble on it and still have a clean copy for next time, and cast on. I even made the mature decision to go down a needle size since the yarn's so soft and I'm a pretty loose knitter at times. I highly recommend the pattern. I knit it about 3 years ago for the first time and it's a great one, the socks stay up, and they make the most of a variegated yarn, helping the colors not pool. The Felici's a self-striper and the pattern won't change that but I like the way it looks. When I was downstairs digging out sock pattern, yarn, and needles I came upon a half-finished helix stripe hat and brought that up too. Might as well pile on the projects, right?
I pulled out a couple dishcloth patterns too. Next month's the Bay Lakes Knitting Guild's holiday celebration and we exchange dishcloths. I always try to make an interesting one and I think I've got one picked out; it looks like a sand dollar, but I won't cast it on until the Khaki Cardi's sleeve is done. Promise. (And if any Ravellers are reading this, no idea stealing, not that you would but I feel better now.)
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