One of the other people on the Craftsy Block Of the Month class site used a website to plan her quilt top so I went over there and plonked mine in, then I noticed that their toolbar had appeared on my screen. I didn't like that so I straightaway uninstalled it. I saved it but danged if I can find it. I'll go look again but I'm not hopeful.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Got That Last Quilt Block Done
One of the other people on the Craftsy Block Of the Month class site used a website to plan her quilt top so I went over there and plonked mine in, then I noticed that their toolbar had appeared on my screen. I didn't like that so I straightaway uninstalled it. I saved it but danged if I can find it. I'll go look again but I'm not hopeful.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
*Finished Objects. I've been a good girl, not only making new things but finishing something that's been hanging around for a while. Longer than I thought when I checked the project file on Ravelry, seeing that I cast this on in October 2009. Holy bejeebers! That's way longer ago than I remembered, but a good thing it is that my knitting skills matured in the intervening time so that the pattern made sense when I picked it up again. That's a very good thing, since I rediscovered this pattern because I've got more yarn I want to knit it up in. Anyway, it's warm and soft and (I think) gorgeous. The pattern says to put on a button and an I-cord loop to use as a closer but I've got a curve of shell that I think I'll use as a shawl pin instead.
Yesterday afternoon I cast on another one of those tiny purse keyrings and I finished it this afternoon. This one went much easier because of all the snafus in the first one. It's even tinier than the first one. It's no picnic knitting with that thin, fingering weight yarn on US1 needles (think long toothpicks). The darned stitches like to slip off the needles especially when I'm binding off for the straps and inevitably I drop one and have the devil of a time picking it back up. You might ask why I keep knitting them if they're so frustrating and I don't have an answer, but I do have yarn picked out for the other two styles in the pattern. If any of you think of a practical use for them, let me know.
I've been almost monogamous (well, about as monogamous as I ever am with this kind of stuff) in my dedication to the Hubbard Baby blanket. I finished mitered square #2 at work on Thursday and cast on #3 right away. This is a great, simple pattern, perfect TV, waiting room, and knitting night knitting because it doesn't really require much concentration. As long as I keep repositioning my turquoise "right side" marker so that it's near where I'm working I'm good. I really like how this is turning out; I hope the grandmother likes it too.
I stopped by the library branch this morning to pick up a couple of books I had reserved and there on the "feature" shelf was this book, Knitmare on Elm Street, sitting there looking at me. Just looking at the cover made me giggle and when I flipped the pages and saw the pattern for a shrunken head I knew I had to check it out. There's all kinds of cute Halloween-y patterns in this book. I may never make any of these things but they sure are fun to look at.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Got A Tiny Bit Of Money?
No sewing today, maybe on the weekend.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
New Life Needs Knitted Things
On Wednesday Skully came to knit with me for an hour or so at work. She was knitting a scarf with a lovely bulky variegated yarn but yanked out the needles and shoved all 3 skeins my way. I tried to refuse, tried to pay her for the yarn (it wasn't cheap) but she insisted I take it. I surfed the Pattern pages on Ravelry for something to knit with it and found one for a baby blanket made of mitered squares knit on size 11 needles. My kind of pattern! When I got home after work I cast it on and got to work while we drive to Racine. I worked on it at times over the days we were there and finished the first mitered square on the way home. I love the colors. Love them. I figure I'll say that this is a blankie to stay at Grandma's house. I'm going to go pick up stitches for the second mitered square right now.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
One, One October Quilt Block
I have one and one half rows to knit on my Lava shawl, bind it off loosely, and then block it. I can't wait to finish it and show it to you.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Done & Gone
(I just realized that those two words are spelled exactly the same except for their first letter but they're not pronounced the same. Shouldn't they be "dun" and "gun" or "dawn" and "gawn"? Instead they're "dun" and "gawn." Hmph. Well, now they sound like some shyster law firm to me.) Moving on ("awn" gah! stop me before I hurt myself).
What's done is Bandwagon Afghan block #10. I have been making these mitered log cabin block off and on since just after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami decimated part of Japan. Kay of Mason-Dixon Knitting had written this pattern that melds quilting and knitting ideas so well, and sold the pattern sending all proceeds to some relief agency. I bought the pattern, picked out stash yarn, and got started. I made the first few blocks fairly quickly but then other patterns and other yarn caught my attention and I put this away for a while. I worked on block #9 on our vacation and cast on #10 immediately upon finishing it. I did not, as I'd imagined, apply myself to my knitting and finish more than one or maybe all remaining blocks while we were away those 2 weeks but at least I got one done and one begun. Only 2 to go!

What's gone is the third start of the Rebelle Wingspan scarf/shawl/doohicky, and it's gone for good. See, I was knitting along on the first wedge at Friday Night Knitting and I realized that I was over halfway through the first of four skeins and not through the first wedge. Uh-oh. Not going to make it. On Monday I finally remembered that there's an Advanced Search function on Ravelry's Pattern page that lets you say how you want to make it (crochet or knit), how much you want to pay (I chose Free), what you want to make (sweater, baby, hat, accessory, etc. I chose shawl/wrap in the accessory category), yarn weight (the yarn I want to use is Aran), and (this is the vital statistic) how much of said yarn you have (~392 yds.) See all the green lozenge-shaped boxes across the Ravelry screen shot? Wingspan didn't make the cut. I got 41 matches, one of which I already have OTN (on the needles) in another yarn (Colonnade, second from left, first row); one that has been nagging to be picked back up for the last week or so. I went downstairs and got the Lava Shawl (I knew right where it was) and last night I plunged back in to see if I could keep going (it's lace-ish) or have to rip back to the beginning of the lace part and start over. Happily my knitting skills have improved over the months it has been set aside. Yahoo! Now I have 12 more (ever-increasing) rows to knit, then 4 edge rows before binding off. THEN I can cast on another shawl using the Rebelle yarn that I want so badly to knit up since it's merino, silk, and mohair and a joy to knit with. Unless I decide to cast on something else instead. Like Christmas gifts.
What's done is Bandwagon Afghan block #10. I have been making these mitered log cabin block off and on since just after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami decimated part of Japan. Kay of Mason-Dixon Knitting had written this pattern that melds quilting and knitting ideas so well, and sold the pattern sending all proceeds to some relief agency. I bought the pattern, picked out stash yarn, and got started. I made the first few blocks fairly quickly but then other patterns and other yarn caught my attention and I put this away for a while. I worked on block #9 on our vacation and cast on #10 immediately upon finishing it. I did not, as I'd imagined, apply myself to my knitting and finish more than one or maybe all remaining blocks while we were away those 2 weeks but at least I got one done and one begun. Only 2 to go!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
September Quilt Blocks
The second September block's called Cleopatra's Puzzle and it too is made from those little annoying wedges and L-shaped pieces which curve away from each other until you wrestle them into submission with a raft of pins. Good thing I'm patient, also have audiobooks to listen to because otherwise I'd be even nutzier than I already am. I'm not sure that choosing a "one way" design was wise but it's done and it looks okay. Who's going to notice? It's not like I beheaded a bunch of birds like I did a few months back.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
I Made A Shirt
In the saga of casting on the right number of stitches to make the Rebelle Wingspan I have triumphed. I cast on 75 sts and knitted a few rows Monday evening while watching the TV. This morning I laid it next to my previous Wingspan Redux (so named because it got started 3 or 6 times before I was happy with it) and it's exactly right, so now I can just mindlessly knit on it not needing to think. Thinking, it slows down the work. (remember to make a note on the project page in Ravelry, Barbara)
Monday, October 1, 2012
I Have Knitting To Show You
The knitting, it seems to come and go lately, and last week it came. We're swinging into one of the least busy times of year in the dive shop so I had lots of hours to knit on Bandwagon Afghan Block #10 at work. So many hours that I kind of stressed out my left forearm muscles. Good thing I have an elastic sleeve support thing-y for when I do that sort of thing to myself.

After a summer of unrelenting shades of green knitted into my Maple Tree Scarf, it was time to snip the latest green yarn and tie in a green/orange/burgundy/purple variegated skein remnant. The sock yarn that I've been using for about the last month has a light avocado, orange, and purple in it so I've been using that to represent the colors of the first leaves that turned. Now the color change has gone too far so it's time to let green begin to fade out of the scarf. I unrolled the whole thing this morning and took a picture of it. It's long, very long. I wonder how I'm going to wear it. I wonder how I'm going to take a picture of it all. Maybe I can make a mosaic photo like they do when they put together a shipwreck picture. It's week #41, which means I have 11 more weeks to go, so about 77 more garter ridges before I bind off on New Year's Eve. I think I'm going to be glad to be finished with this thing.
I gave into an urge on Friday and cast on a Wingspan with the wool/silk/mohair yarn I bought at Rebelle the last time we were in Lexington. Following the notes I made last time I cast on the full 99 stitches and got started. Too big. So on Saturday morning early I frogged what I'd knitted at Friday Night Knitting and cast on 90 stitches. I got a few rows done while watching TV Saturday night and last night. This morning before the photo shoot I measured what I have against the previous Wingspan I made to discover that the Rebelle Wingspan wedges are going to be twice as big as the Redux. I wouldn't mind except I have only 4 skeins of the yarn, no one is selling any of this color out of their stashes in Ravelry and I don't really want to buy more yarn anyway. So that means I'll be frogging this second effort and scaling back to 75 stitches (needs a multiple of 3) which is halfway between the first shawl's 60 stitches and the too-long 90 stitches I currently have. Time will tell. I do love this yarn. Love the colors, love the size of it, love how it feels. Knits up nice too. It's going to look lovely--if I can ever get the stitch count right. *sigh* I saw one in the gallery of Wingspans on Ravelry knitted in black & white like this and the knitter used red for the finishing rows of garter across the top. Oooh, tempting. I must have some red yarn I can use for that. (don't get too far ahead of yourself, Barbara, just simmer down and enjoy the journey)
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