Look What We Got!
We found out this afternoon that Durwood's trusty 1997 Dodge Caravan was leaking vital fluids from every possible orrifice and needed replacement. I got to know the used car dealer up on the corner across from Atlanta Bread when I sold him DS's pickup a couple summers ago, so we swung by on our way to pick up the leaker. Long story short, this little beauty was sitting there waiting for us. It's a 2004 Chevy Malibu, 4 cyl., 4-door, Burgundy (red!), with 90k miles. I
t's in excellent shape; it started its life as a rental and moved here from CA. I love it. It gets over 30 mpg. and it's red. Even better Joe gave us $500 for the leaker! Can you believe it? DIL, he said he's got a friend with a lot in Shawano who can sell it for twice that in a heartbeat, so Durwood's rusty, leaking van is headed there. Unusual folk out there on the banks of the Wolf River. Maybe someone will use it for a summer home? (Not your family, of course)
The people of the Wolf River are a simple folk. Last week for entertainment that stood at the damn and watched sturgeon try to jump over it in a spawning frenzy.
Your van is sure to be big news. :p
I know, David sent us the link to the sturgeon cam last week. Great viewing! I'd stand by the dam to watch it too if I were there and not at work.
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