It's snowing. But then it is Wisconsin so I should expect that in December, I suppose. At least it's not a bazillion degrees below zero--yet.
Here's the hat I knitted on Thanksgiving for Mom to give to a friend. It's made with 2 strands of Lamb's Pride Bulky in Prairie Goldenrod on US 15 DPNs in my favorite Meathead Hat pattern. I love this hat!
I wore my Phoenix Tears scarf the last couple of days and realized that none

Durwood and I have been Wii bowling every day. Fitness, you know. See how focused he is?
The most exciting thing happened at the grocery this morning. I drove into the parking lot, snowflakes falling with enthusiasm, and there was the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile! I hurried in to

It. Glows. In. The. Dark.
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