Look! Two socks! One for each foot! Matching!
It's taking all my resolve not to immediately cast on another pair but I want to finish the practice 2 Circs Sox first so then I can do two at a time without using the wrong needle and ending up with three sock sides on the same needle like I did last night. Oops. I can tell you right now these are not going to be blue-ribbon socks because I'm not frogging back to the boo-boo in the

I'm going to Patti's sometime today to get yarn for some gifts I'm going to need in a couple months and, oh this is exciting, I need to get a skein of Galway in black tweed because I've got a commission to knit another pair of Dashing for a friend's husband. I take that as a compliment.
So now I've got my red Licorice, "Keep From Smoking" Swing Jacket on the needles, the 2 Circs Sox legs growing, I'll cast on Dashing tomorrow at work, I want to start the 2 gifts (1 knit, 1 crochet) today, and I'll probably weaken and cast on another pair of socks before bedtime. I'm with you, Ann, I want to knit it all--and right now.
1 comment:
Very nice, Mom! Lovely socks.
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