Not "The End" end, but it's moving. Well, it's moved. Just now. I made an executive decision the other day when I started looking into how to merge my knitting blog with my writing blog. For months now this knitting blog has gotten short shrift since I post daily over on Crazy Writing Person, plus I like to talk about knitting and somedays think that's the only interesting part of my life, and it's a lot of work to be brilliant and glib (har!) twice in one day and sometimes twice in the same week is a stretch.
I was afraid I'd lose the archives but they exported too and intermixed themselves. I had to repost the "Links to More Stuff." I don't think the "followers" or "members" links moved. I'm sorry about that, but maybe you could rejoin over at Crazy Writing Person--Who Also Knits & Sews? Please? I fantasize that I have regular readers and don't want to lose any.
I'll be leaving this blog up for now. I don't know why, guess I figure someone might want to read it or might find it or something, but it'll be here.
I'm Knitting, not Smoking
...with a shot of Crochet on the side. And some Sewing too.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Waiting = Knitting
I just reread Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's book Knitting Rules! and it meant a lot more to me this time. She kind of gives a person permission to knit things the way that makes sense to you, not to stick to the letter of the pattern all the time but to make it work for you. Somehow that made me feel like I was the boss of my knitting even more than I already did. Whatever the reason I feel like my knitting attitude just took a leap forward.
The neck edge of the Khaki Cardi's a case in point. First, I finished the second sleeve at knitting last night. (Can I get a woohoo?) I thought I'd slavishly follow the directions but then I thought since I've made a white and black stripe at the hem and cuffs I ought to carry that up to the neck. So this morning I started picking up neck stitches with the white, not as many as the pattern said (I caught myself counting stitches even though what I was doing looked right) but enough, I knit back, now I'll follow the directions for the tie and neck edge using the black. It's going to look awesome, I just know it.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Progress On All Fronts
While watching TV last night I added a bit onto the Chimney sock. I really like it. This may become my go-to sock recipe.
I've got next week off, which comes as a surprise, so I expect more progress in knitting and also a bunch of sewing to get a jump on stealth sewing for that upcoming holiday. I feel like rubbing my hands while giving a delighted chuckle and mentally going over my fabric stash. Could be a fun week.
P.S. Here's the finished linen & flannel lap throw. See the little red thread tacks? I like the teeny tiny pops of colorl
Sunday, November 17, 2013
P.S. Oh Darn
I put on my house socks when I got out of bed this morning and thought one felt funny. I looked at the bottom of my right foot and look at what I saw. Oh darn. Now, do I learn how to darn a sock (using the darning egg that Grandpa made and Aunt B gave me last month)? Or do I knit another sock? Thinking.
Evidently Project Monogamy's Not My Style
When I was downstairs digging out sock pattern, yarn, and needles I came upon a half-finished helix stripe hat and brought that up too. Might as well pile on the projects, right?
I pulled out a couple dishcloth patterns too. Next month's the Bay Lakes Knitting Guild's holiday celebration and we exchange dishcloths. I always try to make an interesting one and I think I've got one picked out; it looks like a sand dollar, but I won't cast it on until the Khaki Cardi's sleeve is done. Promise. (And if any Ravellers are reading this, no idea stealing, not that you would but I feel better now.)
Friday, November 15, 2013
One Sleeve
Monday, November 11, 2013
I'm Loving This Armpit
I've got an armpit going on. Look at that row of pretty decreases. I like it even though I think I might be knitting a bit tighter this time than last time. I still may need to make the stripes an inch deeper than the ones on the bottom but I have yarn for that so I don't really care. I'm just glad that now I'm making something that resembles clothing for a human.
I've been dithering around for a month about a presentation about using Ravelry that I said I'd make at the Bay Lakes Knitting Guild meeting on the 14th, which is in three more days. Last week I jotted down a few ideas on a Word document and gathered up copies of articles I've written about it here and there, but I just couldn't see how I could tell all I thought people ought to know on a few pages. DD to the rescue! She told me plainly that while other members might be better knitters than me I might be the most Ravelry savvy in the room. Well, that woke me up. I got the laundry started, then fired up my laptop, gathered some needles, patterns in various forms, a few skeins of yarn, and a muslin-lined basket. Having props helped crystalize my thoughts and I set up another Ravelry account so that I could back out of things and screw things up while writing out the steps without totally mashing up my real Ravelry account. The talk worked. By the time four loads of laundry were done and the sun had set I had a rough draft. By the time DS's birthday cake was out of the oven I had a finished copy. Thanks a heap, DD, you're the best.
In the process of working on my presentation I might have also cast on another one of the "onesies" that have been living in said muslin-lined basket under the coffee table for the last six months. I didn't knit a lot, only a couple inches, but look at the colors. Could you resist? It might want to be a cowl at this point but it also might be really scratchy. Time will tell.
(If you've forgotten, the "onesies" are the single skeins of yarn that surfaced when I tossed the stash last winter, that I then found patterns for on Ravelry, and have been knitting away at a bit at a time. You should try it; it's kind of a fun pursuit.)
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