Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I don't really have much to say today. I do want to show you the convenient project pocket in the driver's door of my new car. Handy.

I whipped up a few more project bags yesterday afternoon. They're very simple to make and they keep things untangled in my big knitting bag.

I finally hammered a nail into the fence out back to hang up the birdhouse I bought in Sheboygan last month. I like it. I don't think any birds have been brave enough to move in yet.

Durwood worked on finishing my swift. He put the first sealer coat on. I'm anxious for it to be done.

And I resurrected my crocheted ponshawl. It doesn't need that many more rows before I can sew the corners together to make a wrap to wear in the evening. I know it just looks like a pile of yarn but, trust me, it'll be swell when I'm done. Or not, but it'll keep my shoulders warm.

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