I used some of the travel trays as table favors at Christmas dinner and wrapped the dopp kits for Christmas gifts. Naturally they coordinate.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Now I Can Tell
I used some of the travel trays as table favors at Christmas dinner and wrapped the dopp kits for Christmas gifts. Naturally they coordinate.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Christmas Is Hard On Knitting
The second of the double thick cloths got finished Christmas Eve night. I like the front...
but I love the back.
Look at how those colors criss-cross!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Today It Worked
I've been making good progress on the red & gold striped xmas stocking. I got to the heel yesterday and left my knitting bag at work for today.
Naturally I couldn't not knit last night after supper. So I got out the double-thick washcloth pattern, the old metal needles, and the giant skein of yellow, orange, and pink cotton. I've been interested to see how the colors blend and pool so it was no great hardship to cast on.
The other yarn I can't wait to knit up into a double cloth is this lone skein of Plymouth Jeannee. I do love me some variegated yarn.
Monday, December 17, 2012
And Four Dollars More

...after I finish this Christmas stocking that I cast on a year ago in November 2011 and only recently rediscovered in the controlled chaos that is my knitting area. Today's quest was to find a less awkward to make a jogless stripe and I think I may have found a less contorted way to accomplish the pattern's recommended technique. I've said it before, there's more than one way to skin a cat--and I'm a big fan of the easiest way to be found.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The first thing that tempted me was this:
They're from Hidden Valley Farm & Woolen Mill in Valders. (I realized that Lyn, Skully, and I had gone to their holiday sale once when we first started knitting.) He told me that they raise the sheep, shear the sheep, clean the fleeces, send them out to be spun, then dye them themselves. I was strong at first, leaving the temptation behind while I sought tomatoes for Durwood, but I couldn't leave without going back to the yarn. But I only bought one skein. I should get credit for that, at least.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Eleven Dollars Worth
Here's my total haul--that skein of "Falling Leaf Ombre" takes me back to the late-1960s when I decorated my room in burnt orange, avocado, and brown. Groovy. It goes well with our mid-1970s burnt orange carpeting, doesn't it?
I finished the crocheted border of the Hubbard Grand-baby Blankie. I really like how it turned out. I hope CH, Baby Hubbard, and the baby mama like it too.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
I Actually Finished Something I Can Show You
I also finished the blackblackblack Boystown Beanie chemo hat. That darned yarn is so black I can barely knit it during the day and not at all at night so it's taken a month of Sundays to finish. Also I am dead slow, almost dead stop as a knitter. I think I'm going to stick to crocheting chemo hats from now on. At the rate I knit all cancer will be cured by the time I get my speed up to one hat a week, let alone one hat a day like Andy from Knitting Guild. In the hat-making arena I'm better, faster with a hook as a weapon.
Once again on New Year's Day I'm planning to list each project I have On The Needles and resolve to finish one of them per month until I am CAUGHT UP or run out of year. It's kind of a companion resolution to the "yarn diet" I try to keep to each year. I don't totally succeed at that one either but it does make me stop and think before I pile my cart or car full of yarn when the fever hits. I resolved the finishing projects thing last January, or maybe it was the January before I can't remember, made it only a few weeks before it went by the wayside. I'll try to do better.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Pulling Out The Big Guns
I sat on the couch the other night listening to an audiobook and finished another chemo hat. I feel bad for some (probably stupid) reason that I'm crocheting more hats than I'm knitting hats. I don't know why and I'm working on getting over it... by making more crocheted hats. Good therapy, don't you think?
Now I think I'll go heat up my soup and start a sewing project all at the same time. Maybe that'll bring 'em in.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Some Things Deserve Being Noted
And after supper I got another crocheted he-man chemo hat started.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Lime Puff-ed
I'm slowly working on the Winter Warmer too, although I think I'm going to tink (k-n-i-t backwards) back a couple rows because there's a big hole in the tan row. I'm also going out this afternoon to see if I can't find some better US19 needles. These are working but they're plastic, not very pointy, and they're just not comfy to knit with. Bamboo or wood would be better. I've got coupons.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Not Much Yarn Stuff Gets Done When Your Wrist's Hurting
See, the week before last I crocheted and knitted almost non-stop through an unexpectedly long stretch of days off. My left wrist doesn't like that and it's not shy about letting me know it. I've been trying to avoid knitting the last few days. It's hard. I keep finding new things I want to make and keep looking at the Works In Progress (WIPs) that lay there calling my name. I decided on Monday that garter stitch (all knitting, all the time) would be easier on my wrist that a project needing both knitting & purling or a crochet project (that's the real offender, that crocheting action) so I took my Maple Tree Scarf to work with me to catch up. Everything was going well until it occurred to me that we had snow on Saturday night and I didn't have any snow colored yarn with me. Dang. I unearthed a smidgeon of white yarn when I got home and caught up, and I knitted yesterday's rows before bed last night. Look how big the roll of scarf is. I don't think any of us is ready for this but... 5 weeks from yesterday is New Year's Day when the scarf will be done. Holy Jeebus. That also means that 4 weeks from yesterday is Christmas Day. (i need to lie down)
Monday afternoon was very long at work with no knitting and only an audiobook to keep me awake and not even my Kindle to play games on. I'm ready today. I've got the Kindle, my mp3 player with 2 audiobook novels and 3 projects in my bag. Easy ones, cross my heart. Okay, maybe one is a crochet project but I promise not to bear down on it trying to finish it today; I don't need it to be finished for 2 weeks. Cross my heart.
I gave in and cast on a scarf last night. Hey, it's with super bulky yarn on size US19 needles; it won't take long, and... look how pretty!
Monday afternoon was very long at work with no knitting and only an audiobook to keep me awake and not even my Kindle to play games on. I'm ready today. I've got the Kindle, my mp3 player with 2 audiobook novels and 3 projects in my bag. Easy ones, cross my heart. Okay, maybe one is a crochet project but I promise not to bear down on it trying to finish it today; I don't need it to be finished for 2 weeks. Cross my heart.
I gave in and cast on a scarf last night. Hey, it's with super bulky yarn on size US19 needles; it won't take long, and... look how pretty!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
On A Crocheting Jag
I need to stop or at least take a break. My left hand's kind of tingly and achy and that only happens when I crochet too much or for too long. *sigh* I don't want to stop because I'm enjoying it. I will stop knitting and crocheting with cotton yarn; that's the worst on my hands I assume because it's inflexible, but I'll just cut back using regular yarn. It'll be okay, I'm sure. And I'll wear a brace like a good girl, that'll help too.
I made another crocheted chemo hat from a new pattern I found. I really like the golden brown with the dark brown stripes.
The knitted black Boystown Beanie is coming along. I realized that I wasn't going to make it to the end on what I had so on my way home from knitting with Skully this afternoon at Michaels for another skein of Red Heart Soft yarn so it'll be all black with just that narrow gray stripe. I like it.
Last night at Friday Night Knitting I finished the Double Thick Dishcloth. I really like it; it's thick and squooshy. Can't wait to try it out. And the stitch to make it double thick was easy. I'll be using it again.
I stopped at Monterey Yarn on my Small Business Saturday rounds today. Two skeins of super bulky Universal Yarn's Big Time in the Sapphires colorway. I've already found a "shoulder warmer" pattern and am itching to cast on. Now, do I have size 19 needles?
At Thanksgiving dinner DIL1 asked if I'd stop at their house to see if "the ladies" had laid any eggs and to take them home with me. They did! Guess who'll be having fresh eggs and bacon for Sunday breakfast?
Last night at Friday Night Knitting I finished the Double Thick Dishcloth. I really like it; it's thick and squooshy. Can't wait to try it out. And the stitch to make it double thick was easy. I'll be using it again.
I stopped at Monterey Yarn on my Small Business Saturday rounds today. Two skeins of super bulky Universal Yarn's Big Time in the Sapphires colorway. I've already found a "shoulder warmer" pattern and am itching to cast on. Now, do I have size 19 needles?
Monday, November 19, 2012
I Give Up
On Saturday I sat watching TV with Durwood after supper and finished the Hyperbolic Pseudosphere. I love it. I made it around what I'd decided would be the last round (I did 4-5 rnds single crochet, one half-double crochet, and wanted to end with one double-crochet) with only 18" of yarn left over. Whew. It was a good thing I stuck a marker in the first stitch of that last round because I would have given up in exhaustion halfway around just because it was so FAR around once that last time. I had read notes of a few of the people who made it before saying that they hesitated to use it as a shower puff because it was sooooo thick it'd never dry so that's when I decided to single crochet my way out from the center a bit and then put progressively taller and not as dense stitches on. This is really a pattern you can use as a jumping off point. I'm tempted to use it as my Bay Lakes Knitting Guild washcloth exchange, or one like it. It amuses me and takes no time to make. Crochet's kind of like knitting, I think it'd pass muster. Besides look how cool-looking it is. People will fight over it. I'm doing it. (do you think that'll be okay? god, i'm such a weenie.)
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Too Much Fun
I was surfing the Ravelry pattern files of dish/washcloths seeing if there was one I wanted to make for the Bay Lakes Knitting Guild holiday exchange next month when I came across this one. It slapped me upside the head and made me hunch over the keyboard looking at projects made with it and other possibilities. Doesn't it look like coral? It does, if you've never seen it in person, trust me, it really does. This morning I've gotten back onto Ravelry and found many more patterns, many of them free. This could become quite an obsession. Look at darymaid's coral reef! Totally amazing.
As soon as I got home I went down into the stash, picked out an F hook and a partial skein of non-pastels and just plunged in. Here's what I have so far. Pretty cool, huh?
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