Remember that Tuscon Lattice Shawl I cast on the other day? I already frogged it. The very thin and hairy yarn was hard to knit and I wasn't getting very far very fast and got impatient. It wasn't a very complex lace pattern, just k2tog then yo, so I found the Jennifer's Scarf pattern on Ravelry and decided to make it double-wide so I'd have a shawl instead of a scarf. Another motivation for changing it was the yarn is making very definite stripes and I thought it'd look silly in that lattice pattern, kind of like a rugby scarf made out of inappropriate yarn. We'll see how this turns out.

And I finished mitt #1 of the Twisted Harvest Wristwarmers. (colors not at all correct in this picture) Writing out the directions, row by row, helped me a lot. Now I just have to turn the paper over and make the left one. I'm counting this as half a Finished Object.